Christian Life Center Worldwide seeks to promote health across the entire community. It is our stance in moments like these, that we choose to be immune to fear, and choose to rely on Faith and Hope, as we lean on the practice of wisdom and safety. It is our belief that wisdom, modern medicine, and Faith work cohesively to pave the way towards the health, safety, and security of all. There is no greater priority than the safety and security of our CLC Family, Covenant Partners, Staff, and members of the community. To that end, we are continuing to make adjustments to our ministry operations as the fluidity of COVID-19 evolves. The current environment allows us to take steps toward a return to pre-COVID ministry offerings and operations, while focusing on the following areas:
Safety Protocols:
CLC Members and attendees should continue following guidance regarding these safety protocols
1. Continued Temperature Checks at the door.
2. Social Distancing is recommended in accordance with CDC Guidelines, CLC guidance, and or state/local mandates.
3. Face masks are recommended in accordance with CDC Guidelines, CLC guidance, and or state/local mandates.
4. Face masks are optional for fully vaccinated individuals who meet the requirements based on the CDC’s definition.